General Rules of Play

  1. Players stand at the “throw line,” 96 inches horizontally from the face of the dart board. It is legal to lean over the line. They may step on, but not across, the line.

  2. Players may use their own darts if they meet the following specifications:

  3. Each player throws a maximum of three darts per turn.

  4. It is not required for a player to throw all three darts on every turn. A player may pass or throw fewer than three darts. A player will always be allowed to throw all three darts unless a foul occurs.

  5. Any dart thrown counts as a throw, whether or not it "scores". A throw counts if it misses the board and bounces out, or if it misses the board completely. A player may not throw the darts over. Dropped darts and darts missing their flights before a throw may be thrown again.

  6. Darts on the board may not be touched until the turn is over.

  7. A round is defined as the period of time from the end of a player’s turn to the start of his next turn. On games with stacked teams (players on one score), a round is defined as the end of the player’s turn to the start of his/her partner’s turn.


Rules of Play –‘01

  1. The game is ’01 Any In-Any Out.
    a.  Open in OpenOut: The Bull’s Eye will count 50 points, full bull.
    b.  In all Masters ’01 Double In, Double Out events, players can double bull-in or double bull-out and will play on a 25/50-point split bull.
    **Using DI/DO or OI/MO stats to qualify for Team Dart will automatically place you in a master level.

  2. All players start with 301/501/701points and attempt to reach zero. If a player scores more than the total required to reach zero, the player “busts” and the score returns to the score that existed at the start of the turn.

  3. When a player reaches zero, the game is over. The winning team is the team with the lowest combined score (both team members). If the game score ends in a tie, the player/team that reaches zero wins. If a player reaches zero when he is “blocked” or “frozen, the win will be credited to the opposing team as a team win only.

  4. All general rules of play will apply.

Rules of Play – Cricket

  1. The game of Cricket will be played with a double Bull’s Eye.

  2. The object will be to close the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and Bull’s Eye in any order before your opponent(s). The player/team that closes all numbers and the Bull’s Eye first, and has a greater or equal point score, wins.

  3. An outer Bull’s Eye will count 25 points and an inner Bull’s Eye will count 50 points.

  4. All general rules of play will apply.


The following items constitute fouls.

Committing a foul may lead to loss of turn, loss of game, loss of match, expulsion from league(s) or tournament, expulsion from site, or expulsion from future leagues or tournaments. Designated league official(s) shall make all decisions concerning fouls without specific penalties. The penalty for fouling, unless otherwise stated, is loss of turn for the fouling player.Adherence to all general foul rules is required.

Fouls must be called within the round in which the foul was committed.Distracting behavior by opponents while a player is throwing is not allowed and constitutes a foul. On a thrown dart, the dart must make contact with the board before the player’s foot makes contact with the floor in front of the throw line or a foul has been committed.

A player must receive a warning from the opposing captain.

If the problem continues and it is determined there is a foul, the player will lose his next three darts. If the team captains cannot agree, contact the league director or designated league official to resolve.

If a player reaches zero in a round in which that player or that player’s partner committed a foul, that player/team loses the game.

Abuse of equipment, poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct as judged by a league director may constitute a foul.

Any player/team that commits three fouls in one game will forfeit that game.

Any player found to be using overweight darts or otherwise illegal darts shall cause the team to forfeit all games in the match that player has played. The match will then continue with all players using legal darts. Any challenge about weight of darts must be made before end of the 3rd game and will not be allowed once a match has concluded.

Disregard of any rules may constitute a foul.

All decisions by league director/officials will be final.

Official Skill Rating Procedure

Points Per Dart (PPD) and Marks Per Round (MPR) are the official means of classifying and ranking players.

PPD: Points Per Dart is used for all ’01 games (301, 501, etc.). To obtain a PPD, divide the total points by the number of actual darts thrown. Example: Player #1 wins the game with his 12thdart. He has achieved a total of 301 points. His PPD is 25.08 (301/12 = 25.08). The winner of the game will use the total points of the game, all other players will use the actual points scored as reported by the machine.

MPR: Marks Per Round is used for all Cricket games. To calculate MPR, divide the total number of marks scored by the actual number of darts thrown, then multiply by three (3). Example: Player #1 wins the game with her 46thdart. She has achieved a total of 59 marks. Her MPR is 3.85 (59 / 46 x 3 = 3.85). Handicap rounds do not count for the players without darts in that round. When two (2) players are partners on the same number, they record their results individually.

To establish a Skill Rating, a player must compete in a minimum of 24 league games in a league season that meets the following criteria:
 301 (501, 701, etc.): Any ’01 league game played open in/open out with a 50 point Bull’s Eye on a 15.5-inch target.Cricket: Standard scoring Cricket games with a split (25/50) Bull’s Eye on a 15.5 inch target.

Glossary of Terms

Here are some common terms or phrases that you will be hearing as a sanctioned player for the League:

Actual Darts Thrown – Counting the actual darts that are used, not passed, in a match. Only approved means of tracking feats for the League's Team Dart Tournament.

Feats – Various darting accomplishments. (See ’01 and Cricket Feats)

Frozen – A player is FROZEN when his or her score is at one point (two points in “Double Out”) and his or her partner’s score is higher than the combined score of their opponent’s. The player may not get his score any lower without losing the game.

Games – The individual components of a dart match.

MPR – Marks Per Round –The system for averaging the marks a player throws each turn in a game of Cricket. The higher the MPR, the better the player.

Mark – Any throw that registers on a number either to help close the number or score points in Cricket. The Single segment portion of the Cricket number scores one (1) mark. The Double segment scores two (2) MARKS, WHILE THE Triple segment scores three (3) marks. The outer portion of the Bull’s Eye scores one (1) mark and the inner section scores two (2) marks.

Match – The total games played on a league night.

.PPD – Points Per Dart –The system for averaging the points a player throws on each dart in an ’01 game. The higher the PPD, the better the player.

Passed Darts – Darts not thrown during a round or game for one reason or another.

Round – A player/team’s turn during a game. Each player has the option of throwing zero, one, two or three darts each round.

Spot Darts – A way of handicapping players, teams and leagues. Better players throw fewer darts at the beginning of the game.

Spot Round(s) – The first or opening rounds of a spot-handicapped game.Turn – A player is entitled to a maximum of three darts per turn. A player may opt to throw zero, one, two or three darts.

Unclosed – When a team has two or fewer marks on a number or Bull’s Eye.